You don't need any additional purchases to get started with us, but for those who want to save time and let us handle a bit of the work, we offer a range of addon options.

If you need, for example, to migrate emails from another provider, move a WordPress website, or perhaps need help setting up a new one, we can assist you.

Email Migration

You can migrate your existing emails in your inbox to Polar55 yourself at no extra cost, or you can save time and let us handle it. We ensure that both emails and folders are transferred from your old provider.

EUR 52 for the first inbox
EUR 11 per additional inbox

WordPress Migration

Let us migrate your WordPress website from your previous provider to your hosting account at Polar55.

EUR 160 per website

WordPress Starter Package

Get off to a great start with our WordPress Starter Package. The package includes the Divi premium theme, setup of a chosen Divi layout, SEO plugin, security plugin, and SSL configuration.

EUR 265 See available layouts here