First and foremost, thank you for considering becoming a customer with us!

Since you are looking at this page, we assume that you are in the process of exploring whether our web hosting service is right for you.

Of course, you decide whether we are the right match for you, but we certainly hope that you end up signing up with us. Therefore, in this article, we will describe why we believe we offer the best web hosting service at possibly the most affordable price in the market.

The Price

When it all comes down to it, we understand that the price is the most important factor when choosing a web hosting service.

That's why we have set our price so that you won't find a similar web hosting service at the same rate.

With us, you don't have to pay extra to access backups of your site or upgrade to run WordPress, which you might have to do with other larger providers in the hosting market.

Like us, other web hosting providers offer you a discount for the first year, but when you look at the price for the following years, we are still among the cheapest.

Options and Features

With us, everything is included - period.

You won't have to pay extra for new features or things that you thought were included. In other words, there are no expensive surprises after you become our customer.

The only thing that costs extra with us is if you want more space, but very few will need more than the already included space.

  • Does it cost extra to access your backup? Polar55: No, it's free, of course.
  • Can I have multiple websites on the same web hosting? Polar55: Yes, unlimited websites and domains.
  • Can I have email addresses on all my domains? Polar55: Yes, absolutely!
  • Can I install WordPress with one click? Polar55: Yes, you can.
  • Can I decide how my space is distributed between files and emails? Polar55: Yes, you distribute as you like.

We hope that you can see the advantage in choosing us. If you have further questions or anything we can assist you with, please feel free to write to us - we respond 24/7!

Best regards,
Michael, Thomas, and the rest of the Polar55 team

Do you have any questions about our web hosting service?
Contact us at
Or write to us here.